“one by one they fell, one by one we fall”

one-by-one-they-fell,-one-by-one-we-fall Title by Portuguese journalist, illustrator and photographer Bárbara Sereno http://about.me/barbarasereno

20 thoughts on ““one by one they fell, one by one we fall”

  1. Reblogged this on The Tempo and commented:
    This is one of my favorite artists that I’ve come across on WordPress. Her name is Almeida Garcez. I love her art for its social commentary and focus on humanity.


  2. Uauh! Great pic! or have you painted it?!
    At first I thought it was streetart you had found somewhere and I was about to ask you where but then I read sone comments where they talk about digital work?
    Please, tell me.. 😉
    I’m filled with curiosity now! 🙂


  3. I looked at this drawing and I looked in vain for the one person that would refuse to be a lemming and leap. Surely there is one! In all societies there’s a few who won’t follow. I’d like to see this picture with just one refusing to hold the hands of his neighbours because he’s determined he won’t do what they do….


  4. Nice stuff. I like how most of your stuff has a “grim” mood to them. I don’t know if that’s the intent but for me that’s how I feel when I look at your work. And I like it. Keep it up.


  5. ¡Hola!, estoy muy feliz de haber encontrado tu blog. ¡Esto promete! Me gustan tus dibujos críticos. Esto de verdad es un dibujo ‘digital’ (como dice en los tags)? No parece, pero, bueno, no sé nada de ello…
    Ah, y muchas gracias por haber mirado el mio con tanto detenimiento 🙂


  6. Caro amigo, obrigado pelos likes! E parabéns pelo teu trabalho que revela um forte sentido e conteúdo. Continua e…liberdade, paixão e imaginação.


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